Friday, July 30, 2010
Strawberry Jams
I hate jams. Officially I hate jams. I mean yeah everyone always complains about jams, but there is no real reason why a jam should even really exist? Sure it's raining, and everyone slows down, but so what? Let's all slow down together! For goodness sake I just got stuck in a jam for 2 1/2 hours, doing nothing except listening to The Naked Scientist and reviewing my Introduction to Microbiology lecture. I even memorized all the names of the bacteria that are Gram-positive cocci etc etc...
And also how to conduct tests to confirm the presence of an infectious agent in your system.
Anyway apart from doing all that, I was also thinking: why is it that people bitch about other people on their blog? Right, right?? Isn't it such an endearing topic... in the sense that it's really interesting. So friend A has a dispute with friend B, and then friend A writes something really nasty that she doesn't really mean anyway because she's just saying it all out of anger and spite on her blog. And because blogs are generally public, friend B sees it and the whole thing just blows up shit in everyones faces. This is because essentially friend A is confronting friend B and ranting and saying everything she doesn't dare say in front of B. Which is in itself cowardly, and unreasonable.
I'm not basing any of this on personal experience, I am creating a completely fictional scenario which I'm pretty sure has happened on numerous occasions. Think about it - do you have any friends with similar stories? It's common; and why? Because A doesn't have enough common sense to just say it to B's face and discuss it like normal rational adults, despite what the dispute was about. A has just made B look extremely bad on her blog, which anyone can read. And believe me, once someone has read it, it must take all that person's willpower not to pass it on to the next person and to the next person and before you know it, the entire school knows about how B slept with A's boyfriend.
And all this is unfair, because noone even knows B's side of the story! And who knows, A might just be making it up just because she's jealous of B. And once again, this is all made up, but I can really totally seeing this happening. And now B is left embarrassed and stigmatized by everyone in school just because of something that is of a biased nature to begin with or... maybe didn't even happen.
So, please, no matter how angry you are, STOP and think about your friendship with B, and how bombing her on your blog will not help anything, or anyone, and in fact will just make matters worse. Sure, you might seem like you want to make matters worse by embarrassing her, but why the hell would you do that?! Give her a chance to explain herself. And even if B is totally in the wrong and a total skank, why waste your time and internet? Phase her out of your life and that is that.
I once again emphasize on how no one slept with anybody elses boyfriend. Serious.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Facebook Addict?
I don't really understand it; ever since last night I haven't been able to log into my facebook account! My password is right and everything, and I'm pretty sure I haven't been hacked or anything. Except I'm not able to log into it with my laptop. Because I got in with Jennie's phone. Bummer...
And all I'm thinking about are the messages that I have to reply and, well, there's not much else I do on facebook. Also I can't get on msn messenger but that's all right, considering once I get on I'm more or less stuck on it for.. like.. ever.
Anyway so I'm just pining for replying those messages!! I read them on Jennie's phone but didn't reply them, and it just kills me how much I want to get on facebook and just talk to people. As if I didn't spend the past 3 hours talking to my high school friends that I met up with for Kim's birthday dinner. Which was awesome - food at Chili's and lovely cake. :) Hehe it was kind of funny when the manager came with a piece of tissue with cream in it and sneaked it to one of her friends, who creamed her :P She screamed and was really shocked cause we were saying it was a cockroach, just to mess with some other people.
I don't play games on Facebook, do all those quizzes - because they aren't real anyway. So what do you do on facebook?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Singapore has taken my dear lovelies
Pseudo First Day Back @ Uni
Pseudo first day back at uni today, because I was sick the past few days.
It was good. It really does feel great to be doing stuff again, and unnecessarily (more or less) stressing myself out. About studies, about errands I have to run, and definitely about people.
"People are the most important" - quote from the first lecture I had today. Haha. Terry and I were talking during the second lecture and we decided that the majority of the accidents and stuff under 'patient safety' isn't really because of incompetence of the doctor. But it's more like the miscommunication which causes all these things to happen. And it's unfair really, to blame one person. Miscommunication occurs really easily. Say, 2 people talk at the same time and what you hear is kind of distorted, but you think you hear one thing when actually your friend is saying something else. But in your head, what you hear him say is exactly what you 'think' he said, so you have no reason to doubt what he said. Then you go off and do your thing and the next thing you know, a patient is dead and you and your friend is fired. It's tough, and I think to a certain extent, it's rather unfair.
Miscommunication KILLS, like how smoking kills. Was also discussing about smoking and addiction with Terry. How you should quit kind of when you're ahead of the game. When you're not addicted, I mean. Because if you imagine how much money you could save by not buying ciggies, then that's like... If we're assuming that each cig pack costs Rm6, so 6X7 is RM42/week. Then that's like RM168/month. Which is a pair of jeans. Or a new perfume. Or lots of sweets.
So smoking isn't worth it. And also in the long term, think about how many diseases you can get because of smoking; COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Under this would be things like emphysema, lung cancer, chronic bronchitis. How much more money would you need to spend on healthcare when you end up with these kind of diseases? Okay now I'm kind of just targeting the smokers, but it's really unfair to people around you - what you're doing to their bodies due to second hand smoke. And also it's unfair to your parents, who have raised you and given you your body and your consciousness etc, and you're just smoking it all away. And I'm not Christian, which is why I didn't say God gave you your body or something like that.
Which reminds me, R is really nice. When I was sick, she said she would pray for me. Aww :( And the next day (today) she asked how I was feeling. Aww. I honestly think that if you take a general population of Christians, they are just very nice and friendly and giving.
Had a pretty friendly conversation with the CSU nurses today with Lisa and Ann haha. Which was totally different from the conversation I had with one of the nurses on Monday when I was late and wearing big earrings. Grr frightening! Can't remember any of their names though, thanks short-term memory!!
Have to buy:
- Tendon hammer
- Pen torch
- Rulers x 2
There was a time when my have to buy list would have solely consisted of fashion and cosmetic products. How things have changed...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Gossip Girl
I still wasn't feeling really well today so I didn't go to Uni.. thank goodness I have an MC (that I just found). So I spent the whole day watching tv. I mean not like I really expected myself to do much else - sorry to disappoint folks. Well I might do a bit of reading later on.. but.. HA yeah as if.
So I finished season finales to 2 series today: Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girl.
It's pretty crazy. I feel like I've watched so much my brain is spinning a little bit. But that's what happens when you get addicted. I thought I'd never know what real addiction feels like, but I guess this is it. I guess. Once you start, you can't seem to stop, except to eat of course. And showering is optional. But at least it doesn't seem as bad as smoking or drinking! There's no such condition as addicted to TV. I mean, it's not real anyway. Is it?
Grey's Anatomy season finale was AMAZING. Action packed and dramatic and totally worth watching. I'm so glad I've started watching Grey's. Tbh I don't know why I was kind of against it anyway. There was always some kind of choice that people made, between Grey's and House. And since I started watching House first, I thought it was pretty awesome and I was all House and no Grey's. But then I haven't even finished the House season and I've really caught up with Grey's in a matter of months.
Well this isn't what I wanted to talk about today, I wanted to say that Gossip Girl has gotten sooo bad. The only reason why I finished it today, was because I kind of felt super fashion deprived. Not that it helped, cause Jenny kind of looked like she was all over the place, and this one time there was this close-up of her and I cringed. Oh wait that isn't really a fashion thing anymore. Well, nah, just too much make up really isn't good. But I'm not one to be hating.. However!! I really thought that they could have done a better job with Gossip Girl. Josh Schwartz directed The O.C. and I thought that was really good. There was a much wider kind of scope to it, and not everyone slept with the same person. Like, really?
I mean in Gossip Girl, everyone's had a thing with everybody else! It's demented. I think it should follow The O.C. a little bit and introduce more characters. Not have characters continually recur. And they should all stop sleeping with each other and they have to stop being so dramatic about every little thing. And I could probably never end this rant but I really should. But seriously, it just gets a little bit too boring and safe.
So when I watched the last few minutes of the season finale of season 3, I was slightly impressed with how they really very slightly pushed the boundaries with Chuck. But it's still nothing compared with thinking out of the box plots like with Grey's Anatomy.
But still, really. Who am I to complain? It's still very entertaining and they've done a good job on it all. Not like I can do any better, but it started off much better and perhaps I had higher expectations after reading the books.
Labels: TV
Monday, July 26, 2010
Grey's Anatomy
I absolutely loves it!!
I don't know why many people hatin' on it but I honestly think that they have some pretty good moral lessons in it that you can take, and apply it in your own life. Really.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Truth Is...
That friends who really click don't just stop being friends for no reason...
There is always something more.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Hackers are weird weird people. I know some people who hack and they do it for fun (or maybe just a show of power?) Or maybe not hackers exactly, and more like crackers. Well I don't know how they do, I'm not very well versed in the technicalities behind it all. But I received something today which I'm pretty sure is hacker-related. I mean, how often do embarrassing emails send themselves to all the sender's friends? Yeah, I seriously doubt it.
At this point, I might start to analyse the psychology behind a hacker, but I have to admit I'm rather afraid that they hack my account and send all these embarrassing emails to everyone. Which will really not be cool. Okay I think I'm going to delete all my emails today. :)
I suggest you do that too, because not only might it be embarrassing, some of the emails you send out may do some real harm.
So... on a totally unrelated topic, (this post really does not deserve the title 'hacker', considering how little I wrote on it) I went to see the podiatrist today @ Jln Solaris. Family Podiatry Centre. It is hard as hell to find it. At first we went to Solaris Dutamas and it is not an easy feat to find parking and walk around asking guards who are super clueless etc. And especially with a mum who was more or less naggy and grouchy the entire time. But we called the clinic and eventually found the place, after several (wrong) turnings.
He said that I have Achilles Tendinosis. Hmm I find it strange why they didn't name it Achilles Tendonosis. 'Cause initially I thought that was how you would spell it, considering it is related to the Achilles Tendon and all, but nooo they made it Tendinosis. This is really why most people who study medicine and stuff end up half coo-coo. Well, that's what I would have originally thought. But ever since starting med school, I find that lots of people that I've come across really know how to have their fun and are really easy-going! (I still really can't wait for orientation in Sem2. I swear it will be supar epic.)
And he also said that I have pronation of my feet. Ah, well. I just have to undergo physiotherapy, my first session starting tomorrow. Well when he was saying all of this, all I could think he was saying was basically, 'Hey girl, you're supposed to be 17 years old. Why the hell do you have all these problems? Plus you have lower back pain and you're supposed to be seeing a chiropractor. You are OLD!! Dude, even my grandma doesn't have as many problems as you.' And the thing is, these things are COSTLY.
Also I discovered today, that after studying a little bit, I find that for the rest of the day, I feel more inclined to be proactive and do more productive things.
Today I had lunch with Ben. I feel like I more or less got the closure I was looking for, with the probability of opportunity somewhere in the near future/far future? Whatever, I've gotten the closure that I need and I am totally content with things now. :)
Ah today was a relatively good day:
I completed my piano A1 piece! I have gone through it top to bottom and I know how to play it. Now I just have to add in the expressions and make sure it's smooth. Finally I can move on to my second piece, which I have already begun. Was listening to the pieces in my car. I don't think I can ever reach that kind of awesomeness though. And if I haven't already mentioned, I'm taking my grade 7 piano practical exam sometime next year, in April I think.
AND I also managed to make my bed. And it wasn't some kind of half-assed make the bed attempt. I MADE MY BED PRETTY.
Labels: hackers, health, piano
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Naked Scientist
I'd like to ramble about something that I've recently rediscovered. I used to enjoy their podcasts loads, and have stopped listening to them since IMU has started. Probably because my brain could only process so much haha. Anyway I played them again today, and I forgot how funny and witty they are, plus how much you can really learn from just driving from home to school (which takes me about 30 minutes btw, battling through the malaysian drivers and their lack of etiquette.)
Anyway, so today they were discussing why birds fly into glass/windows. And why they would do it repetitively. It goes like this roughly:
"Apparently they do this for a number of reasons. One is because they don't actually see the glass and they see a pretty room with floral wallpaper and they fly into the window. The second is because it's maybe a territorial thing. They see their reflection in the glass and they fly towards it to defend their territory. They're actually just attacking themselves. This usually happens during the frisky season, when they are trying to mate with lady birds."
"They should actually mate with other birds, because ladybirds are a bit small for birds to mate with, aren't they?"
"Female birds, thank you, Chris."
So whenever you need an intellectual pick me up, I suggest The Naked Scientist.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
i want to hug music
It's such a pity that music isn't huggable. How nice would it be to be able to hug music? Or just be able to see colour where music is. That condition called Synesthesia sounds pretty freaking awesome. I think I watched a tv episode or something that had that condition.
Went to the MPO tonight, which is where all this originates from. I swear there were actually tears in my eyes at some points - it was that beautiful! Mostly because it was so joyous, and it's amazing how music can evoke those kind of feelings. Screw Jasper from the Twilight saga, despite his awesome powers, he's got no hold over what music and orchestras can do!
What the universe tells me.
I don't have the programme booklet, gave it to Ian. But I do remember there being 6 movements and all of them were more or less fantastic. Even more so when the soprano and the choirs started singing. Although I do wish that they sang more. Kind of disappointed me a little bit there.
The chamber itself is gorgeous!! There are lights shining everywhere, and they look like little diamonds on the curved ceiling, and all the people were dressed so super dapper. Despite Ian and I thinking that we were going to be overdressed, we weren't at all. In fact I myself was a little bit underdressed. :P
The lights shone off the brass instruments, and if you shut your eyes, the music feels as if it's coming from everywhere but also perhaps at the same time, nowhere at all. It doesn't really start or stop, and when it does, you kind of feel like it's been there all the time. Well, I felt like that anyway.
Some violinists were really passionate, as in their whole body was moving to the music. I swear this guy would rub his foot before each movement or something just for luck. He was the solo violinist. This one chick was moving so much it looked like she could just up and fall off her chair haha. Moving their heads to the music, tapping their feet to the beat.
No idea what the drummers were doing though, cause they kept putting their head down to the drum, as if trying to ... listen to it? Or something.
I really do wish that I took up either the saxophone or the flute. I would be so competent in it right now (maybe I could be part of the orchestra)! But on a totally serious note, I really did want to learn how to play those instruments years and years ago.
To end on a frustrating note, the people that were sitting near us - a guy and girl, spent the entire time talking and flirting and the guy just wouldn't stop burping and touching and feeling and the girl's lip gloss was so god damn shiny, the lights were bouncing off her lips 360. Mental.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Raindrops aren't falling on my head
it's raining here in Damansara.
I did begin to try to write a poem, about the rain and how it makes me want to sleep,
But I decided I could utilize my time so much more effectively by just going to sleep.
I can't poem anyway.
Paintball Battle Scars

This is a picture of the bruise I got from paintball ages ago.
It really doth look like a Graafian follicle! Can't really tell, but there's the antrum and the oocyte. :D
Labels: paintball
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Experiment Burp
So today I started studying, and I finished week 4 of Sem 1 :) I am well on my way to greatness. Because I have found this extremely magical place I call the library, where I know NOONE there. The IMU library is a total fail waste of time, because it's super easy to just get distracted and go off chatting about useless nothings while that time could be used to memorize the different types of muscles you have.
which are (I shall recite this from memory):
- Circular - orbicularis oris
- Convergent - Pectoralis major
- Parallel - sartorius
- Unipennate - extensor digitorum longus
- Multipennate - deltoid
- Fusiform - biceps brachii
- Bipennate - rectus femoris
with examples, too!
Anyway so that is what I basically got done in the library today, instead of chatting of empty nothings.
I went for dinner with Robert and there was the typical banter and then we were in Waterlily (Balinese cuisine), and we decided to do an experiment.
Hypothesis: Which drink (Coke or Carlsberg) would cause you to burp more?
Method: Glass of coke and carlsberg. Drink coke - how many sips until you burp? Drink carlsberg - how many sips until you burp? Record results, compare. Draw graph. Haha no not really.
Eh what else do you have.
Results: (Robert) ; coke = 2 sips. beer = I don't think we ever really got there.
Improvements: so that was a really flawed method. Our next attempt at this experiment would be to drink an entire can of coke, and count how many burps. Then when we're burp-free, drink an entire can of carlsberg, and count how many burps. Record and compare. I think that is so much better than the initial method.
Conclusion: It seems as if coke seems to have a stronger burping inducing effect rather than beer.
Anyway, I've heard many good things about the movies Up In The Air and also Fight Club! So I plan to watch those very soon.
Also some artists that I suggest:
- Abraham the poor
- slow club
- freelance whales
- MANCHESTER ORCHESTRA (i love them, they are godlike.)
- bon iver
Can't think of any more right now.
Had this fascinating conversation with Siew Jim last night, about dreams. He said that the way he got a lucid dream was when he literally just overslept and moved around or something and didn't eat. anyway I do believe that if I tried that, I would just wake up with a massive headache and cry myself to sleep because I overslept and my body is angry at me. I wonder how it would be though, to do anything that you wanted in the world. And really feel as if you're experiencing it, with no limits whatsoever. No wonder so many people want to readily achieve lucid dreaming
You can jump really high, you can fly in the sky, you can shop till you drop, you can grow hair like a mop. No I don't really want to do the latter, I was just trying to rhyme it actually. Amazing :) Am just thinking of the time I would sometimes dream about getting together with this guy, and we're dating and stuff, then I wake up and I feel attraction for that fellow that was never there previously. Building on that, I could more or less just imagine how real lucid dreaming would be like. You could really just slot that experience into your memory and know how it feels like. Although you wouldn't really be able to do something like that in real life, and your brain is just conjuring up feelings and all that while you're doing that stuff. Maybe I'm just getting really confusing now, because I'm getting confused myself. And if I'm confused, what i'm typing out here must just be absolute rubbish haha.
But example:
If I were to fly in my dream, it wouldn't really be a 'real' experience in the sense that I wouldn't know how that is like in real life. It's only an experience created but my mind, of how I think that flying would feel and how it would really be. Ah, the sky's the limit.
Labels: dreams, experiment
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
so tired.
Ever felt so tired that you could just sit down and cry it all out? Well that's how I felt today. I've just been going out non-stop everyday, and I haven't been getting much of a break. I'm not the type of person to function like that. Although I don't know what I'm going to do if I make it to internship. Apparently they have these absolutely insane working hours. In Malaysia, it should really be illegal. I talked to Sue-shen's older sister who is currently a resident in Australia, Victoria right now.

She said that I should at least do my internship and just spend a couple of years working in Australia to pick up the good habits. And only when I come back to Malaysia I can serve the government and all the rest of it. However am not too sure whether or not I will have to repeat housemanship?? That would be really bonkers if I had to.
This morning I went down to KL, Brickfields with Ann Lisa Damien Tony and Terry to distribute flyers and stick up posters around the place. Which reminds me I have to do that tomorrow! It was really hot and sticky and smelly and polluted and sweaty out there. Was really really heat stroke like. I even saw this girl who must have fainted outside MCKL and her friends had to literally carry her back inside the school. It was rather dramatic. I wanted to go and be all 'i'm a first year medical student!' haha which is something along the lines of my dream (to administer CPR to a stranger who just happens to collapse right in front of me) but not that I know anything about people who most likely just pass out due to dehydration or the crazy heat.
Sat in Old Town White Coffee for a while and 'took my time' while I was reading a little Basic Immunology. Then met up with Lisa and we both took the monorail. She got off first and headed back to Vista. Me on the other hand, I went to Low Yat. On the way there I talked to a couple of people who were distributing this weird lucky draw discount thing (still no clue what it was) and then I went into Low Yat. Met with Aswan and we looked at DSLR'S. Hehe he kept going up to the shop keepers and saying 'She wants to buy a Nikon D3' or 'She wants to buy a Canon 1D'. What a mental person. Anyway I was really interested in the Nikon D3000 and the Canon 1000D.
Nikon D3000

PROS: it has a nicer design (as in it's quite sparkly), and the body is not as cluttered as the canon. Also, it has software which allows you to edit the pictures. Cheaper. apparently the pictures are sharper and clearer. More suited for indoor photos.
CONS: it's heavier.
Canon 1000D

KSW owns this camera. i used it quite a lot during the Malacca trip. which I don't think I have posted about yet. But it's just been such a long trip and I keep falling asleep at the laptop. The only reason why I haven't fallen asleep yet and am able to post a complete entry is because I'm sitting upright.
PROS: cheaper lens if i decide to change it. lighter. more common. more user friendly.
CONS: apparently images are not as sharp and colour not as nice. also, does not have the photo editing feature.
The prices are really phenomenal - they are both selling for approx RM1899. I only found these prices at this little corner store!!
I talked to my dad about getting it for my birthday present, but he said no :( He said he would get it after my semester 2 exams. Only if I get one grade higher than what I get for Sem 1. the problem with that is that in Sem 2 i have about 5 exams or something apparently. And also 5 times more subjects. In a shorter amount of time. Talk about being seriously SCREWED!! This is why I'm totally not looking forward to the next semester. I really hope the new timetable will come out soon so i can start studying. And be all nerdy like I should already be.
Anyway enough about all that. At Big Apple they sold fake sushi!! hehe those were really cute (and honestly YES I would have taken a picture of them.) But they were selling 18 for RM20. Minimum 18 fake sushis. WHO WOULD BUY SO MANY? Seriously they need a better marketing department. I can take over. I can multi task. CEHHH hehe no I can't. I'm working on Project Pillow, Project Scrapbook and Project DSLR right now. Shall emphasize on those more one day.
Got home, took a super quick nap and then played with Fantasie a little. Thought she had stiffened up or something. She was literally just lying there on her side, and I thought for a couple of secs that she wasn't breathing. Ridiculous. She has to stop scaring me!
Anyway I went out to The Curve with Ian, and we bought him a notebook which he is planning to use as a planner. (haha i guess he should write that plan into his planner! This 'joke' doesn't even make sense. yeesh.) We ate at the Garden. Very nice place except it was hot like hell outside hahaha. And their Chicken Paprik was absolutely fail. they should really edit their description of it and change it to Tom Yam Chicken with rice and horrendous tasting vegetables. I like The Curve. They're very funky.
Some of their carparks are raised! We spent maybe half our time at Border or Popular haha. I bought little colourful memo pad papers and a Sharpie to write my suicide notes in. Basically they're just notes that I would write to people if I were to commit suicide. Which I obviously wouldn't do anytime soon. I MEAN I WOULD NEVER. Why am I even really bringing this up? Anyway yes I quite fancied the idea. I have already begun some.
Okay they're not that suicide-y. more just like hi how are you :) notes.
Had onion rings and caramel sundae at BK and came home. Ahh it was a pretty radically sweet day except I'm supposed to be suffering from fatigue or something now.
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