Wednesday, July 7, 2010
so tired.
Ever felt so tired that you could just sit down and cry it all out? Well that's how I felt today. I've just been going out non-stop everyday, and I haven't been getting much of a break. I'm not the type of person to function like that. Although I don't know what I'm going to do if I make it to internship. Apparently they have these absolutely insane working hours. In Malaysia, it should really be illegal. I talked to Sue-shen's older sister who is currently a resident in Australia, Victoria right now.

She said that I should at least do my internship and just spend a couple of years working in Australia to pick up the good habits. And only when I come back to Malaysia I can serve the government and all the rest of it. However am not too sure whether or not I will have to repeat housemanship?? That would be really bonkers if I had to.
This morning I went down to KL, Brickfields with Ann Lisa Damien Tony and Terry to distribute flyers and stick up posters around the place. Which reminds me I have to do that tomorrow! It was really hot and sticky and smelly and polluted and sweaty out there. Was really really heat stroke like. I even saw this girl who must have fainted outside MCKL and her friends had to literally carry her back inside the school. It was rather dramatic. I wanted to go and be all 'i'm a first year medical student!' haha which is something along the lines of my dream (to administer CPR to a stranger who just happens to collapse right in front of me) but not that I know anything about people who most likely just pass out due to dehydration or the crazy heat.
Sat in Old Town White Coffee for a while and 'took my time' while I was reading a little Basic Immunology. Then met up with Lisa and we both took the monorail. She got off first and headed back to Vista. Me on the other hand, I went to Low Yat. On the way there I talked to a couple of people who were distributing this weird lucky draw discount thing (still no clue what it was) and then I went into Low Yat. Met with Aswan and we looked at DSLR'S. Hehe he kept going up to the shop keepers and saying 'She wants to buy a Nikon D3' or 'She wants to buy a Canon 1D'. What a mental person. Anyway I was really interested in the Nikon D3000 and the Canon 1000D.
Nikon D3000

PROS: it has a nicer design (as in it's quite sparkly), and the body is not as cluttered as the canon. Also, it has software which allows you to edit the pictures. Cheaper. apparently the pictures are sharper and clearer. More suited for indoor photos.
CONS: it's heavier.
Canon 1000D

KSW owns this camera. i used it quite a lot during the Malacca trip. which I don't think I have posted about yet. But it's just been such a long trip and I keep falling asleep at the laptop. The only reason why I haven't fallen asleep yet and am able to post a complete entry is because I'm sitting upright.
PROS: cheaper lens if i decide to change it. lighter. more common. more user friendly.
CONS: apparently images are not as sharp and colour not as nice. also, does not have the photo editing feature.
The prices are really phenomenal - they are both selling for approx RM1899. I only found these prices at this little corner store!!
I talked to my dad about getting it for my birthday present, but he said no :( He said he would get it after my semester 2 exams. Only if I get one grade higher than what I get for Sem 1. the problem with that is that in Sem 2 i have about 5 exams or something apparently. And also 5 times more subjects. In a shorter amount of time. Talk about being seriously SCREWED!! This is why I'm totally not looking forward to the next semester. I really hope the new timetable will come out soon so i can start studying. And be all nerdy like I should already be.
Anyway enough about all that. At Big Apple they sold fake sushi!! hehe those were really cute (and honestly YES I would have taken a picture of them.) But they were selling 18 for RM20. Minimum 18 fake sushis. WHO WOULD BUY SO MANY? Seriously they need a better marketing department. I can take over. I can multi task. CEHHH hehe no I can't. I'm working on Project Pillow, Project Scrapbook and Project DSLR right now. Shall emphasize on those more one day.
Got home, took a super quick nap and then played with Fantasie a little. Thought she had stiffened up or something. She was literally just lying there on her side, and I thought for a couple of secs that she wasn't breathing. Ridiculous. She has to stop scaring me!
Anyway I went out to The Curve with Ian, and we bought him a notebook which he is planning to use as a planner. (haha i guess he should write that plan into his planner! This 'joke' doesn't even make sense. yeesh.) We ate at the Garden. Very nice place except it was hot like hell outside hahaha. And their Chicken Paprik was absolutely fail. they should really edit their description of it and change it to Tom Yam Chicken with rice and horrendous tasting vegetables. I like The Curve. They're very funky.
Some of their carparks are raised! We spent maybe half our time at Border or Popular haha. I bought little colourful memo pad papers and a Sharpie to write my suicide notes in. Basically they're just notes that I would write to people if I were to commit suicide. Which I obviously wouldn't do anytime soon. I MEAN I WOULD NEVER. Why am I even really bringing this up? Anyway yes I quite fancied the idea. I have already begun some.
Okay they're not that suicide-y. more just like hi how are you :) notes.
Had onion rings and caramel sundae at BK and came home. Ahh it was a pretty radically sweet day except I'm supposed to be suffering from fatigue or something now.
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aliciaaaa! kim here (frm GIS i mean =p). found your blog link through msn :)
i have a nikon d3000, and if it helps - i think it's pretty user friendly and the picture quality is pretty good too. I've used my sister's canon 500d a few times, and i have to say I prefer my nikon. But that could just be me being biased. =)
you, me & sue shen shld meet up soon huh =)
i have a nikon d3000, and if it helps - i think it's pretty user friendly and the picture quality is pretty good too. I've used my sister's canon 500d a few times, and i have to say I prefer my nikon. But that could just be me being biased. =)
you, me & sue shen shld meet up soon huh =)
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