Monday, October 18, 2010

the reason why i can't study at home

The only time I study at home is at night, when I generally have no other choice. And during the day I'd prefer to go out and study at Starbucks or whatever the hell I can get. This is only because I take after my dad (I suspect anyway.) My mum wants me to stay at home and coop me up like it's some kind of jail, but I say hell no, woman, I'm going out. I just need the fresh air and then observing of the general public. I mean, just yesterday, I noticed that kids and their mums will sit at the table next to me in Starbucks. Like, literally, there were more than 3 people who came and went that were with their mum's. Maybe there's something about the seats or that it's next to a window (okay the entire thing is glass, it's not really considered a window anymore), or maybe there was something more psychological at work. Or maybe it was just the only seat available. I mean, I know I camped out my table real good.

So my dad likes to be out, he's not the stay at home and rot type. He's the up for lots of things type! And I feel that I'm like that too.
My Summative 2 is on Thursday, and I know I should already be in panic/survival mode. But I'm not really. Which is why it's 1pm on Monday and I haven't done anything. No I haven't even eaten breakfast/lunch. It's kind of sad in a way. I feel like I've already given up on it all. Although I should be studying real hard and stuff, I just... CAN'T. I watched 2 movies and lots of episodes on Saturday.

I felt guilty as hell. I should never let myself feel guilty for watching a couple of episodes of Shit My Dad Says. LOL that is a real funny ass show. Although I feel like the main character, Henry, talks way too damned fast. And he never seems pissed off. Cause there is always a smile pulling at the corners of his lips.

All right going to pretend to study now. Immunology!!! Yay!!! Books that don't make sense!!! Woo!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Pharmacology is so hard to understand. Having to incorporate lots of what we have previously learned into understanding pharmacology itself - the actions of it, why it inhibits and all that rubbish - kind of has made me realize how medicine is not only about the human body and the diseases. Heck, that's just such a small part of the entire course! And also there are so many other aspects: community medicine and behavioral science for example. They seem like pretty insignificant subjects but in actual fact, I do believe that they play a crucial role in successful medicine. I guess what I'm trying to say is that my view on medicine is a total misconception. There is so much more to learn and understand than just involving the body. It is a total opposite of what I had expected it to be!

That's basically all we did today. I also attended a talk called 'Global Cooling'. It's ECOmergency week! Basically what the talk was about was that global warming is a big problem. We haven't reached the point of no return yet, but we have passed the tipping point. Apparently (I didn't know of this earlier), meat (hamburgers and cattle, you know the kind) actually leaves a large carbon footprint! So she suggested that we go on a plant-based diet. Something like a vegetarian. It's more a way of life or something like that. And based on the figures I saw, it left me freaking astonished! Unreal. The amount of water it takes to make 1lb of beef can be used for one year of showers. Perhaps I mixed up the facts, but the points listed out were as shocking as that. So perhaps a day a week I'll avoid eating meat. Or I'll just be more conscious about not eating meat. Meh. Chicken is good though... :(

She said that if we ever went to an animal farm we could get off meat just overnight. I wonder, I really do!

Living with a squirrel

Once upon a time,
in the Acorn Community of Treedom, there lived 2 squirrels. They were constantly surrounded by other half squirrels, but they were the only two pure squirrels in the entire world of Treedom.

I am not high on any drugs. Like Psilocybe cubensis. Mushrooms... I do believe that one day my cause of death could be ingestion of too much fungi. Like hyperfunginism. It's so great to be able to make up words that kind of seem like they are real medical diseases, but all I do is just add an -ism or an -osm.

So now that I am much more free than I used to be (not really, I should be studying harder than ever now and not wasting anytime on the internet... hence why I banned myself from FB until after EOS2. Not like that worked out very well though) I have decided to blog! I am now living with Suzen for the next week, at least until the cheerleading competition. She lives only about 15 minutes away; it's so amazing not having to drive 30 minutes back everyday. It's really quite ridiculous how expensive it can all add up to be.

Today we had lectures on autocoids, it was pretty interesting. Although apparently we might get tested on what he mentions in the lectures. Which I find pretty unfair - whatever we can get tested on should actually be in the lecture notes. Although this is actually debatable. Cause they can put in all this crap into the lecture notes and we would be expected to know everything blimming thing in it. Yeah, nevermind. That is too uncool.

Had CAL Lab today. L actually thought we would be working on real guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are like mutant hamsters, imo. Anyhoo what we had to do was plot a graph (okay the computer did that for us) on the dose-something something concentration or something. Ahhh hahahahah pharmacology fail! Anyway it was pretty boring, cause we literally just sat in front of the computer getting results and waiting. And the guinea pigs aren't real. They don't even have pictures of guinea pigs. Pfft.

I'm thinking of some new ways to decorate my room and/or study room. I was just surfing the net and I saw this really radical idea: using post-its to decorate the wall! Not the entire wall, just a small pattern in the middle of a side of the room. Kind of thing. And then you can even use the post its! There is a link to it somewhere, but I'm too lazy to find it. Haha L's idea was basically about this chick who made her walls blackboards. Sweet!!

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