Thursday, July 15, 2010

Experiment Burp

So today I started studying, and I finished week 4 of Sem 1 :) I am well on my way to greatness. Because I have found this extremely magical place I call the library, where I know NOONE there. The IMU library is a total fail waste of time, because it's super easy to just get distracted and go off chatting about useless nothings while that time could be used to memorize the different types of muscles you have.
which are (I shall recite this from memory):

  1. Circular - orbicularis oris
  2. Convergent - Pectoralis major
  3. Parallel - sartorius
  4. Unipennate - extensor digitorum longus
  5. Multipennate - deltoid
  6. Fusiform - biceps brachii
  7. Bipennate - rectus femoris
with examples, too!

Anyway so that is what I basically got done in the library today, instead of chatting of empty nothings.

I went for dinner with Robert and there was the typical banter and then we were in Waterlily (Balinese cuisine), and we decided to do an experiment.

Hypothesis: Which drink (Coke or Carlsberg) would cause you to burp more?

Method: Glass of coke and carlsberg. Drink coke - how many sips until you burp? Drink carlsberg - how many sips until you burp? Record results, compare. Draw graph. Haha no not really.

Eh what else do you have.
Results: (Robert) ; coke = 2 sips. beer = I don't think we ever really got there.

Improvements: so that was a really flawed method. Our next attempt at this experiment would be to drink an entire can of coke, and count how many burps. Then when we're burp-free, drink an entire can of carlsberg, and count how many burps. Record and compare. I think that is so much better than the initial method.

Conclusion: It seems as if coke seems to have a stronger burping inducing effect rather than beer.

Anyway, I've heard many good things about the movies Up In The Air and also Fight Club! So I plan to watch those very soon.

Also some artists that I suggest:

  • Abraham the poor
  • slow club
  • freelance whales
  • MANCHESTER ORCHESTRA (i love them, they are godlike.)
  • bon iver
Can't think of any more right now.

Had this fascinating conversation with Siew Jim last night, about dreams. He said that the way he got a lucid dream was when he literally just overslept and moved around or something and didn't eat. anyway I do believe that if I tried that, I would just wake up with a massive headache and cry myself to sleep because I overslept and my body is angry at me. I wonder how it would be though, to do anything that you wanted in the world. And really feel as if you're experiencing it, with no limits whatsoever. No wonder so many people want to readily achieve lucid dreaming

You can jump really high, you can fly in the sky, you can shop till you drop, you can grow hair like a mop. No I don't really want to do the latter, I was just trying to rhyme it actually. Amazing :) Am just thinking of the time I would sometimes dream about getting together with this guy, and we're dating and stuff, then I wake up and I feel attraction for that fellow that was never there previously. Building on that, I could more or less just imagine how real lucid dreaming would be like. You could really just slot that experience into your memory and know how it feels like. Although you wouldn't really be able to do something like that in real life, and your brain is just conjuring up feelings and all that while you're doing that stuff. Maybe I'm just getting really confusing now, because I'm getting confused myself. And if I'm confused, what i'm typing out here must just be absolute rubbish haha.

But example:

If I were to fly in my dream, it wouldn't really be a 'real' experience in the sense that I wouldn't know how that is like in real life. It's only an experience created but my mind, of how I think that flying would feel and how it would really be. Ah, the sky's the limit.

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