Sunday, November 22, 2009

6 hour lecture

And this is what happened in the 6 hour driving lecture.
First hour - introducing the course in general. ie. what's the difference between the course and the license itself and which is more important.
After the first hour, he took our attendance.
And then talked about signs. Break for one hour. Came back, watched videos of cars. Funny videos nonetheless, but still, damn. Last 2 hours, he talked more about the difference between an L and P license.
And oh yeah he also spent half an hour telling us when we type in our IC in the ujian, there are no dashes, and we are Orange Asing Malaysia.

Really? Really, now, really??

Not bitter or anything, I thought it was rather enlightening and I've never heard so much malay in my life. But yeah, not that I understood the majority of it anyway. And the girls in front were going through pictures and texting on their phone and the kpc I am, I found it all very fascinating. Wow I didn't know people could take about 10,000 pictures of themselves on their phone. And all in practically the same poses. Amazing.

Also, strangely enough there were a lot of older people in the class, and perhaps only about 10 people who are 16 to 18 years old. Or maybe the rest of them are actually that age but just looked abnormally old.

Norah Jones is a really great singer, and her voice is sooo soothing.

Still haven't gotten the job in Kiz Sports though, boo to that.

Stayed in Genting for one night, and the indoor and outdoor theme park was a huge waste of money to be honest. It drizzled most of the time, and got worse as the day progressed and they closed most of the rides... and then eventually all. And most of them were closed when we were lining up. A real bummer. And then the indoor rides were all kiddish and eventually got really packed by everyone in the outdoor theme park.

We also tried to do that flashmob thing but just walking and then randomly stopping in the middle and looking up at the sky. But everyone would either start laughing and not be able to hold the pose. Such noobcakes, but so amazing <3

Fingers crossed for Cameron's!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

end of exams

Pertaining to my title of this blog, yes, it is freakin' official, exams are over! Meaning also the rein A Levels has on me is also officially over!
After that we went karaoke-ing in Red Box. It wasn't the longest time and I had to go back at 5pm, but whatever it was still awesomely great fun! Not much can really beat time hanging out with my friends, cause they're just a whole bundle of fun :)

Got home early, had a bit of ice-cream cake, celebrated my parents anniversary and my brother's belated birthday cake.

Can't get my ppstream to download in chinese. Boo!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I love shopping. There's just something about the thrill of getting something nice (albeit something you don't exactly need) for a very cheap price that is absolutely exhilarating.
Enter: Chatuchak in Thailand.

Can you believe we won't be able to make the market (35 acres, and > 15,000 stalls) because it only opens on the weekend? This is life being very very cruel to me because of something I did!

What could I have done?!

Oh yeah I forgot to sweep the floor today, but... really, universe, you would punish me that way?

Am missing out so much, it's such a bummer. Last time I went there I was really young so I didn't get very much, and it wasn't so fun for me because I was like yeah whatever can we go back now? But now that I know what it holds in store for us, and that we HAVE to miss out on that and go to lesser markets/shops, it kills me!

There is absolutely no silver lining in this dark dark ebony cloud.

DAAARK cloud. Except maybe that I'll spend less money, and the money I don't use can go towards my tuition fees. But not as if it'll make such a big difference, right?

Oh, boooo :(

Also went to a Malay wedding lunch today at FRIM. Really cool! They were giving out eggs and stuff, which apparently indicates fertility. Yeah I can kind of imagine how that works.
Beautiful place, took a couple of photos.

It's Physics Paper 5 tomorrow! Good luck everyone. While I'll be studying for Bio. Haha the benefits of dropping Physics. Before we know it though, taking 4 subjects will be the norm.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


I was taking a shower and I was thinking about one of my really bad traits - indecision.
I've even gotten into fights with people over my indecision. How many times have I stood in front of an aisle in a supermarket and just pondered... choice a or choice b? It's actually no big deal!!

Then why do I have such a hard time deciding?

I remember watching this one House episode where this girl just could not choose, and that was a symptom for something real bad. Or something like that. After a while you just kind of lose track and you just watch it for the drama. First episode really had be hooked though; the one with the tape worm.

But I feel like if I choose one thing, I could really be missing out on something else! And even though it's the smallest thing in the world, and will not affect my life in some huge ass way, I feel like it still totally matters. What is wrong with me? I have such a big pole up my bum, so uptight and everything.

14th November
Today's my brother's birthday, he turns 13! Still an annoying brat though, although he's lovely in the fact that he's very loyal and trustworthy with the big stuff. When I'm craving an ice cream though and he just happens to be out, CANNOT trust him to bring back a craving for me. Really. Such a hope dasher he is. And he will grow up to be a heart breaker I think.
From what I gather, he already is a heart breaker!

The generations just get older and older as times goes by. In the sense that if you compare a 14 year old this year with a 14 year old 20 years ago, things are so different! I think a factor that really contributes to this is the media and globalization.

But I have to go for dinner now at some place with his little friends so I shall elaborate on the media and how it affects young girls (SERIOUSLY it's such a huge issue) and globalization another day.

Oh and interpersonal attraction because it's so interesting. Just is you know?

ps. Watched Four Christmases today. Was quite funny, not so amazing though but what can I really expect? And before that I watched A Perfect Getaway with Milla Jovovich, who I just really love. Resident Evil is like my favorite series. But Turistas, with Olivia Wilde really really owns A Perfect Getaway.

And why does Olivia Wilde always get parts where she plays some bisexual/lesbian chick? eg. The OC and House. Well there are other things like Year One and Turistas but the fact that she so willingly chooses such a part...

Friday, November 13, 2009


Met loads of new people today, some of Lun's friends, some dance club people (who are just really amazing, super respect for them), and also a few random people from the ECA recognition event 2009 :)

Why is it that speakers always feel a need to make all their words, even the small words, seem so important and hence talk ultra slowly?
Is it because they just feel superior to all those little kiddies in the lecture hall and feel the need to impart wisdom. Because I've spotted a trend that all those kind of people who give a short speech (which end up 15 minutes longer usually) always ALWAYS give advice and say stuff like, "This is not JUST a paper," which actually signifies something so much more.
Metawhores are all the rage these days. I mean metaphors.

Something else I noticed-
Despite already being full after having a few spoonfuls, people feel obliged to finish everything on their plate.
The brain works in weeeeird ways. I guess you should just get a smaller plate and discipline yourself to eat. Because after you take a few bites and you wait about 10 minutes, the food will settle in your stomach and your brain will be sent a message that you're not hungry anymore and you'll lose your appetite. But if you eat everything in one go, it'll need time to settle in your stomach and in another 10 minutes after you've stuffed your face you'll go, "OMFGWTFBBQCNN I am so full to the max yo girlfriend, I can't believe I ate so much, goddamn I'm damn fat, I need to go on a diet and stop eating and vomit all my food out, BRB babe."
Okay no I don't actually know people like that, and I'm certainly not like that (thank goodness).. but I know people with eating disorders and it's very uncool.
Was just talking about this with Ming today.

Oh noooo, my cousin who lives with me just came home and she lost her phone in the cinema. I left my phone there once - I'm very careless actually and pretty disorganized and irresponsible haha - but luckily I managed to get it back.

Was at the cafeteria having some refreshments after the ECA Recognition Event 2009, and all my friends have already left. So it was just me and a circle of guys in front of me. Thank goodness for small miracles, they asked me to join them and my next half hour wasn't very shabby at all.
It would be nice if more people were open and easy going like that.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


It's amazing how someone can grow and mature in so many different ways in a matter of years.

The purpose of this blog is to record how I'm going to try to live a better life, yeah, with exercise and all. (As if!!)

But you know, I'll try!

Cause if you don't try, then what the hell are you going to do with your life?

I'm not very good with computers and all that mumbo jumbo, so don't for one second think that there're going to be little men dancing in the background and singing some incredibly annoying song that plays on a loop.

Tomorrow I'm going to go to IMU and pay my fees, and from then I will be an IMU student that has yet to get her A2 results, and who also thinks she's going to do horribly because her last very very extremely important exam just kind of suck failed. Really hard. Like that freaking metal that Wolverine has in his body and can never be broken.

Which is kind of cool, because he doesn't have to go to the hospital for like broken bones or whatever because he also can regenerate. I've never been to the hospital because I've hurt myself in any way or have gotten incredibly ill. I want to be a Doctor. :)


After IMU I'm going to have lunch with a relatively new friend. I like meeting new people, like the normal ones. Not the losers who stalk the internet looking for people to fool. Personally I think people are generally bad-natured. Give me a person who has NEVER had a bad thought in their life, and I might just give you my iPod (but you know that's okay, so I can buy one in orange, which was what I reaaally wanted in the first place.)

After lunch I have dance practice for 2 hours, for a class dinner on the 18th. Woot! Excited!! Some lecturers will be there, hahaha, Mr. Suresh.
So awesome.

Then I have to attend ECA Recognition Day. Maybe I'm exaggerating on the 'have to' but you get certificates, so why the hell not?

And then I might cook dinner. Lasagne?

Mm food is really good.
And tasty.

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