Sunday, November 15, 2009


I love shopping. There's just something about the thrill of getting something nice (albeit something you don't exactly need) for a very cheap price that is absolutely exhilarating.
Enter: Chatuchak in Thailand.

Can you believe we won't be able to make the market (35 acres, and > 15,000 stalls) because it only opens on the weekend? This is life being very very cruel to me because of something I did!

What could I have done?!

Oh yeah I forgot to sweep the floor today, but... really, universe, you would punish me that way?

Am missing out so much, it's such a bummer. Last time I went there I was really young so I didn't get very much, and it wasn't so fun for me because I was like yeah whatever can we go back now? But now that I know what it holds in store for us, and that we HAVE to miss out on that and go to lesser markets/shops, it kills me!

There is absolutely no silver lining in this dark dark ebony cloud.

DAAARK cloud. Except maybe that I'll spend less money, and the money I don't use can go towards my tuition fees. But not as if it'll make such a big difference, right?

Oh, boooo :(

Also went to a Malay wedding lunch today at FRIM. Really cool! They were giving out eggs and stuff, which apparently indicates fertility. Yeah I can kind of imagine how that works.
Beautiful place, took a couple of photos.

It's Physics Paper 5 tomorrow! Good luck everyone. While I'll be studying for Bio. Haha the benefits of dropping Physics. Before we know it though, taking 4 subjects will be the norm.


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