Saturday, June 19, 2010
Longest day ever
Longest Day Ever
I may be exaggerating the title a little bit. It's just that I spent such a freaking long time driving around again! At 3pm, I left the house to go pick up Owen and his friend.
1. I made the wrong turning (because my dad gave really misleading directions, if BU condo is on your left, it still will be on my left if I turn up the hill) and went down this horribly long long long (kind of good for racing I suppose) road and ended up at this dead end, opposite the Police Station BU.
2. Turned in prematurely to the Golf part of The Club. Please note, the whole time I was driving Owen hadn't been picking up any of my calls, despite me having to had picked him up at 2:30pm. So yeah, I was supposedly late. But he wasn't picking up his phone and I wasn't going to sit around in a stuffy ass house twiddling my thumbs.
3. Asked a guard where to go, and he seemingly pointed at another dead end. Really. Well, turns out that was an invisible-ish turning near the dead end. So I turned in there.
4. Another guard gave me the cockiest stare in the world the whole time, and then I parked the car and tried calling Owen multiple times. Locked the car and went to the cocky eye guard to ask him where the Paintball place is. He told me to move my car.
5. I told him that I'm just waiting for someone. Language barrier because I couldn't understand what exactly he was getting at. Well he let me stay in the end, and when I went to where he
was standing, I asked whether I could turn in there (the place he was blocking) and park there to go look for him.
6. He said no. So I drove down to the basement and parked there. Such a waste of my life, really. Then I parked, and tried to find my way to the paintball place.
7. Asked the receptionist where Canyon Paintball is. First lady has no clue; does she even speak English/Mandarin/Malay/Tamil?! Second lady tells me to walk straight, go up the stairs and it's there. She lied too.
8. Owen finally called when I was somewhere near the badminton and tennis courts and ran out to find me. After yelling at him for the whole time, we went back to my car and drove to the paintball place.
9. OMG I swear my car tyres were squealing for mercy. The rocks were mean and I swear I later drove over something that went CREACAACCKKKAY. Which was not good, at all. I think Visa's shoes are still in my car... holy shit ew.
10. Waited SOME MORE for him to pack up, Aswan had sexy hair. And he really strangely resembled a penguin. I'm not kidding, especially all dressed up in his paintball gear.
11. Got home, and Owen was going to come to McD for me and Dad was going to pick him up there. And after he showered and everything, we called Dad to tell him to pick up Owen from McD, but turns out he was only 5 minutes away. So I waited for no good reason... Well,that is kind of my fault for not calling him earlier. But, still!
12. Went to McD, iPod died 10 minutes into studying.
Also, I finally got this long-awaited text from Ben. Apparently he got into a drunken fight yesterday, and THAT GUY BIT OFF LIKE HALF OF HIS EAR. HOW COOL IS THAT? Well I wish that was what could've happened. Maybe he has the powers to grow back his ear. Ahaha. But they did fight, and it was pretty bad. Mm.
Elastic cartilage can only be found on the external ear and the epiglottis.
The epiglottis is retroverted during deglutition and I still have no idea what cricoid, arytenoid, corniculate and cuneiform even mean. Just read and memorize. I just googled 'cuneiform'... I'm starting to think it isn't even really an anatomical word. That's the thing with NKM's lectures. You never know whether it's a typo or it's a real word (and also whether it's important or not, because it's in such small fonts your subconscious turns to overlook it. Has happened so many times, I'm not proud of it.)
Well today I managed to complete week 9 - Urinary System. :) All (HAHAH YEAH RIGHT, ALL MY ASS) I have left to do today would be week 10 - GIT.
Nothing else to really say, except I think I'm personality type C.

That's Andrew Chim, he just kind of sat there and shot at Azzy.

Azzy just kind of let Chim shoot at him. ...

Doug sitting on the ladder. Feel like I'm really stating the obvious like mad.
Haha, this was by accident: Alicia is going to have the Doug in her

And Azzy said, imagine that sentence without car emoticon. I just thought it was funny cause it sounded like the dog will be in her car. But no, he has to turn it around and upside down...
Labels: Owen fail, paintball, study fail
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