Monday, June 20, 2011

Aww, sheet.

So it turns out that I've messed my life up more than I realized. I'm sitting at the laptop typing senseless words, wearing a dress with hearts all over it because I was playing wardrobe. I should actually be in the study room studying my butt off because what I realized (more like my friend told me) was that the upcoming exam will determine which uni I get partnered to. I will be doing my clinical school there for the next 3 years and possibly even working in the area. So if I get a really shite place (like Aberdeen for example, where it's walking distance to the South Pole), then I am seriously screwed. Not that I can let a thought like that to stop me from going out for meals and wasting my time driving around in the car and just sleeping. Sleeping excessively really does not help.

I don't know about the general public, but I get dizzy and headachey and lethargic after sleeping for more than 9 hours. Maybe it's my body's way of telling me that I'm not built for that kind of lifestyle. I know some people sure as hell are. They sleep and sleep and the next day they wake up for a couple of hours and fool around and then they sleep some more. How do they do that? It's ridiculous! Sleeping for 18 hours straight itself is impossible.

Today we had a clothing exchange 'thing'. A few of us brought clothes that we don't wear so often anymore and through it onto the table and just picked out clothing that we liked. I got quite a number of pieces. It's a wonderful feeling because it's all new and it just feels like I had this massive shopping spree. Best thing is that I won't even miss the clothing that I gave away! The clothes that did not manage to find a home will be sold at a bazaar on 2nd July. Don't have much time to get ready though, having to categorize and label everything. It's going to be a bit of a pain in the arse, especially since it's just a couple days after exams end and I'm putting everything on hold for the exams (or am I?)

But on a more serious note, if you've got an exam coming up, please buck the eff up and start studying, because your future and your future patients depend on it!


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