Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pretty interesting medical diseases

Pretty Interesting Medical Diseases

Also, Lakshmi, who was coincidentally born on the day when they were celebrating Vishnu. Her headless twin was born attached to her, and she has 4 limbs!

And then there was baby Lali. There was a lot of news on her, as she was born sometime last year I think. Or the year before that. She has a rare disease called Craniofacial Duplication. Apparently all 4 of her eyes blink at the same time. I wonder if she's like two different people or something. Aha no I doubt it.

Turns out that both of them were born in the same village in India. What are they feeding the pregger mothers there?!

And a case of Fetus in Fetu, 1 year old girl from China who was abandoned when she was 3 days old. Her twin was growing in her.

Still, I think the worst is Harlequin Type Ichthyosis! It's actually really disturbing... and something to do with the hardening of the skin. The skin hardens in diamond shapes or something, and the eyes and lips are deformed. It's hard for the baby to breathe because of the hardened skin, as the skin cannot move out as much as it's supposed to during inhalation. So sad.

Progeria is worth noting. There's a video on Youtube:
She is so sweet and strong.

Also check this out:

There is another disease that I was reading about in my Embryology book. I can't really remember what it was called, but it's when you have twins. There is a really really really low survival rate apparently. What basically happens is that one twin is much much smaller than the other twin because there is something wrong with the blood supply to both of them.


I really like this post and yes i also see many interesting medical diseases like this one, and i watch some more medical disorder like the man who's hands and feet turns into the tree.
I also noticed many unique and interesting health disorder on several TV channel like the man who's face stretched and become as a elephant trunk.

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