Saturday, June 19, 2010
new look!
Thank you so very much, DancingSheep for this gorgeous HTML! I think it's the cutest ever.
I got it from First time I ever dabbled in something like that, so I feel super nerdy and a little bit motivated to upda
te my blog more often.
Not that anybody really reads it, but you know. For the fun of it. Maybe more people will read it if I asked them to though; just a thought.
Anyway, today I spent the entire day driving. SERIOUSLY.
Well it felt like I spent the entire day driving. I went to pick up Daniel from where he was carrying out his work experience: his mum's office. Got a little bit lost on the way there, went all the way to Jln Universiti instead of where he actually was. Got there in the end, thanks to blind luck! (Okay and directions from Dan). When we got to McD's, we managed to accomplish our goal: to giggle at David, who was carrying out his work experience there. He had on this little McD's cap and everything. TOO CUTE. I managed to capture a picture of him pressing down all the rubbish.

Owen (my younger bro) actually asked me, "Isn't work experience for what you want to do in the future? Does David want to be a McDonald's man then?" Haha I figure that he aspires to be something along the lines of creepy ass clown who looks like he's a serial rapist, aka Ronald McDonald. Really!! I was actually just staring at a picture of Ronald McD on this banner, and I shit you not, he stared back.
After I dropped Daniel back at his office, (we had a really nice chat over lunch), I went back to McD to start studying for my exams, which are on Wednesday. Well, I've got my BS interview on Tuesday, but that's not much of a big deal. BS=Behavioural Science.
I managed to finish Week7 and start a little bit on Week8. Week7 is basically CV. Week8 is Respi. I can NOT believe that when I get around to sem3, CV system will be taking up 5 weeks. Really, is there all that much to learn? Well I suppose there is, since we're going to be responsible for the lives of many many people in the future.
Haha, imagine. Trusting your life with me!! All I could think about was the MNG sale. And that RM1 accessory Suzen got from Forever21. Jealous! Also the Malacca trip, omg that is going to be super ace :)
I was looking for a place to sit, and I saw this white guy sitting on a 6-seater table. So I went up to him, tentatively put my folder on the opposite corner of the tables and was halfway through asking, "Is there anyone sitting here?"
Which, for some strange reason, is what usually many people ask in Malaysia. (Or maybe just me, but I've got half of my money on Malaysia.)
Well then he interrupted me halfway, shook his head and said, "No." So i was like "Oh, okay," and proceeded to put down my folder fer reals.
Then he was like "No, someone is coming." Unfortunately this clashed with my "Thank you," so I had to ask again, "Is there anyone sitting here?" Then he shook his head again and said, "No, you can't sit there. Someone is sitting there," and pointed at the counter.
I figured that the whole time I was asking that, he must have thought I was asking "Can I sit here?" It's strange, isn't it, how the difference in culture and upbringing can change the way your mind really works.
Was listening to the Naked Scientist eons ago, and they mentioned that a study was conducted on German kids and some other buncha kids. And when they were asked to recall a dance routine showed to them a while ago, they would turn differently. And the thing was that the German kids would spin one way and the other buncha kids would spin the other way. Majority of them anyway. I guess that kind of can infer that culture/upbringing does affect the way you think.
In conclusion, even though I was actually asking "is there anyone sitting there?", his understandable assumption that I was asking, "can I sit there?" is really just because his brain was telling him that it was what I was asking from my gesture, and not from my mouth. I feel like I've gotten myself all confused --
p.s this is because if I don't, CK will 'smoke' me as he put it.
PFFT. I can not let this happen. He managed to nitro boost himself all the way to end of week 6 when I was halfway through week 7. I will not succumb to the loss! I am NOT ASSISTANT BATCH REP. My favourite colour is orange.
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