Tuesday, June 22, 2010
My adorable (slightly obese) hamsters!
This is a picture of my hamsters (2/3):

The one on the left is called Fanatasie. All 3 of them are females. About 6 months old already! Wow time has really flown by. It just seems like a while back when I got them. She's really tame, Fantasie is. And a little fat. Okay fineee more than a little. She used to be much darker though, but now she's actually changed to be so much lighter! It's insane. She's practically white. And actually getting whiter as time goes by.
The other, skinnier one, is Impromptu. She's actually the odd one out, because she's the last one I picked out, and also from a different cage. Generally very nice, super active. She's quite the tomboy. And eats like a pig. So does Fantasie, but that kind of goes without saying eheheh.
Didn't manage to catch a picture of InCminor, but that's because she's really shy. I always bathe her the last because she hides in that freaking house of hers and barely ever comes out. Well she does come out, but not when my fingers are inside the cage. Can't believe she's still scared of me! Once I get a picture of her, (she's the one I got from the same cage as Fantasie), I shall upload it.
The only time I was bitten by any one of them was when i just kind of stuck my finger inbetween the cage bars. Mind you, this was when I first got them so I was just kind of testing the waters. Impromptu bit me. I bled a little. WELL definitely not as bad as Lisa's bite. Holy crap. I think it was either Psycho or Oreo who bit her. All right I'm pretty sure it was Psycho. He's seriously insane. His full name should be Psycho Waytooviril Insane. I really hope Tofu isn't pregnant again. Losing all your kids within a week is mortifying! (Unless she ate them, which she might have.)
Medicine is pretty tough; that's about the first thing I've ever said about it.
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