Thursday, May 6, 2010

Late night movie!

Tonight is going to be the second time I watch a late night movie. The first one was kind of a disaster: my friends and I won a couple of tickets to go watch The Island (the one with Scarlett Johansson and Ewan McGregor) and we had to put our phones at the front desk for safe keeping, because it was a premiere screening and all that rubbish. So we did. And then when we got out at about 11pm/12am, it turns out I had about 30 missed calls from my parents. Boy were they fuming..
Anyway this is going to be different, because I'm sleeping over at suzen's house tonight! So we're going to watch an easy movie (easy meaning something that is not along the lines of Shutter Island or some other psychological thriller) and top it off with mamak food.. and studying. Fingers crossed.

Because I ended up napping (is it still considered a nap?) for 3 hours. Which is really insane! I dislike naps.. and seafood. Like shellfish. It's so disgusting, really, why would anyone enjoy eating it? It tastes like the sea. Eg. the other day I stepped into Sakae Sushi and had to quickly leave because the smell of seafood was just overbearing! No joke - it was that bad. Like they had a big carton of fish and they were just letting it rot somewhere at the back...

So there, they lost 2 potential customers. Well I've got to finish up my notes on Lipoprotein metabolism before I have to scoot to Suzen's.


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