Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Did I really not make any New Year resolutions?

Honestly I think I may have forgotten to make New Year 2010 resolutions. Well I may have already, but being the forgetful person I am, I suppose I'll never know.

Anyhoo, I went out today with Aswan. He kind of make me think about the person that I aspire to be. And it doesn't necessarily mean that I aspire to be someone who already exists. But it's more of the person I want to become. Like I'm going to eventually fit a mold that I'm setting out for myself. Mould.

And I think about the life that I want to eventually live, and I really wonder if I can get there..
Like my future flat is going to be something right out of Ikea. That kind of feel. Classy, (yes CLASSY), CooL and just neat. Cause my life is generally in such a disarray and I'm a messy person. It would be nice to get a housemate who's neat. Aha that would be a tad bit awesome.

So I passed my driving test. Am going over to Suzen's house tomorrow and we're going to drive around! More like go and watch a midnight movie and go to the mamak. Because her dad is going to be away. It's like I'm on the brink of young adulthood. This is kind of how I imagined it to be. I'm getting there too. If it was 3 years ago and I was looking at myself now, I do reckon I would be a little bit proud...

RM1,571. That's how much a guy owes for parking.

Carl's Jr fries are good when they're warm. Food generally tastes better when they're warm.. Hmm i wonder why. i always just stuck with the fact that maybe heat--> kinetic energy --> stimulates taste buds on tongue --> haha such bullshit.

But you know one can try to win the Nobel Prize.


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