Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The transition

Because I am all buzzed up on frozen yoghurt right now, I thought I might as well ramble a little bit before I delve into a lecture on personality disorders. Of which I have about 4 disorders - no kidding. Not that I was particularly surprised... at the time. But now that I am actually studying the lecture and a personality disorder can be defined as:

An enduring pattern of maladaptive behaviour seen in significant areas of functioning. There are limited stereotypic responses to diverse social and personal contexts.
That doesn't sound so good.
So much has happened since that last time I wrote. From EOS3, skipped over semester 4 completely, and then studying 12 hours a day for EOS5, practicing clinical skills 2 hours a day on the weekdays, and barely getting anytime to do anything else. Living in more or less a shithole, where the water will suddenly be cut and there are weird bits all over the floor in our shared toilet. Also the aircon will intermittently stop working. From all of that to Dundee - dismal dundee/disappointing dundee/dull dundee. To be fair, it's been long enough that I no longer try to use alliteration for the titles of my diary entries. No more are the days where I'd spend about 5 minutes thinking of a negative adjective beginning with D that could somehow describe how I was feeling about Dundee.
From the prospect of going to Edinburgh, with all my friends, to going to Dundee, where I could possibly join 4th year. Then came the rejection, and finally it was decided that I would be going to 3rd year.
And now it's 7 months later, and the Aberdeen kids are coming in 3 more days, and L & S are in Germany, A has disappeared off the face of the earth almost, and is no longer with D. Things change so fast, and so unexpectedly too! Makes me wonder whether there is anything in this world that is actually constant.
Another hour and 6 minutes to go before I might be able to watch the season premiere of Game of Thrones. omg dragonssss.

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